Reformed Church of Saugerties
173 Main Street
Saugerties, NY 12477
www.saugertiesreformed. org
Worship: 10:30 AM
July/August Worship: 10:00 AM
The Sanctuary
The design and plan for this building was the work of architect James Renwick Jr. from a firm of New York City. Renwick is noted for design of St. Patrick’s Cathedral of NYC and the Smithsonian Museum of Washington D.C. Bearing an air of Gothic spirit with the steep roof and large windows, the style might be called simplified Romanesque.
Such features as the arch vaulted ceiling the rounded arches of the windows, the straight and arched lines of the doorway, the circular rose window over the entrance and the tower adjoining the building suggest this style also.
The sanctuary is well-known for its exceptional acoustical qualities and has hosted a number of concerts including the Woodstock Chamber Orchestra and the Saugerties Pro Musica programs.
Our Roosevelt Organ
American pipe organs in the nineteenth century were strongly influenced by the work of two brothers, Frank and Hilborne Roosevelt. Although Hilborne Roosevelt died in 1886 at the age of 37, his brother continued to operate the business until 1893. Frank died in 1894 at the age of 33. Hilborne built 358 organs, and Frank is credited with an additional 178 after his brother's death.
Of these organs, the organ at the Reformed Church of Saugerties is Number 530 built by Frank Roosevelt in 1892.The instrument, is prepared to be four organs in one, all controlled by one player using hands and feet. The console has the capacity to control 60 stops. The organ has 2,269 pipes made of wood and metal the pipes range in length from sixteen feet to some as small as one inch.